
BLOG / Observability


Observability is about providing visibility into the internal states of systems and applications. Most commonly it is based on logs, metrics and traces. Identifying and resolving issues through comprehensive data collection and analysis ensures the resiliency of complex systems.

Thumbnail of an article about [interview] How to use data to navigate complex systems better? Talking about monitoring and observability.

[interview] How to use data to navigate complex systems better? Talking about monitoring and observability.

In today's constantly developing technological landscape, businesses are looking for solutions that help them manage complex systems and ensure optimal performance. However, although 90% of IT professionals believe observability is important and strategic to their business, only 26% said their observability practice was mature. Why this difference? What are the reasons why businesses don’t manage to implement monitoring and observability at a high level? In this interview, we explore the significance of monitoring and observability - our guests Edyta Kałka, Senior Engineering Manager, and Maciej Manturewicz, Director of Engineering, will share their insights, real-world experiences, and opinions on how to create effective monitoring and observability solutions.
Multiple authors

Multiple authors

on Aug 4, 2023
Thumbnail of an article about The popular open-source monitoring tools you should know

The popular open-source monitoring tools you should know

The foundation of any successful business is utilizing the most modern technologies for everyday tasks. Today you can’t run a company, no matter how big or small, with just phones and faxes anymore. You will need a wide network of servers, devices, and applications, even if your company is not involved in software development. Your company IT infrastructure may be physical or cloud-based, but in any case it has to run smoothly to facilitate employees’ performance instead of hindering it. It is a well-known truth that any problem is easier to fix if you notice it as early as possible, before it becomes aggravated.
Thumbnail of an article about Types of monitoring and observability data: categories and limitations

Types of monitoring and observability data: categories and limitations

The monitoring and observability of current complex software solutions can be even more intricate than the solutions themselves. Not only do monitoring and observability software or service providers need to understand these complexities, but they also need to provide clear and efficient insights. One aspect of providing a view into the monitored system is through metrics. In this article, we will group them into two intersecting types to enhance understanding of monitoring/observability concepts and make the use of monitoring and observability tools easier.
Thumbnail of an article about Introduction to network telemetry

Introduction to network telemetry

You may have already heard about network telemetry, but you are not sure you understand well enough what exactly is behind it. If that's the case, you'll find the right explanation in this article. The term "network telemetry" can be understood in different ways. Over the years, it was not completely clear for everyone. Following the RFC 9232, you will come across the following understanding of the terms "network telemetry" and "telemetry data"- “Network telemetry is a technology for gaining network insight and facilitating efficient and automated network management.

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